Snip Snippet Editor

Snip is a command-line utility that allows users to create and edit snippets for various programming languages and file types. It provides a convenient interface for managing snippets and organizing them by category and priority.


To install the Snip Snippet Editor, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Change to the snip directory:

    cd snip
  3. Run the install script:

    make install

    The Snip Snippet Editor and its dependencies will be installed.

  4. Add the following code snippet to your Vim configuration file (init.vim or vimrc):

" ---------------------------
"   AutoComplete Snippets:
" ---------------------------

" This code snippet ensures that all AutoFill (auto-completion) snippets,
" are automatically expanded when the snippet is triggered.

function! AutoCompleteSnippets()
    let l:line_number = 1
    while l:line_number <= line('$')
        let l:line = getline(l:line_number)
        if l:line =~ '^snippet'
            let l:autocompletion_line = l:line

            if l:autocompletion_line =~ ' "$'
                let l:autocompletion_line = l:autocompletion_line . ' '
                call setline(l:line_number, l:autocompletion_line)

            if l:autocompletion_line !~ 'A$' && l:autocompletion_line !~# '" .*\C\ca.*'
                if l:autocompletion_line !~ '"$'
                    let l:autocompletion_line = l:autocompletion_line . ' "" A'
                    let l:autocompletion_line = l:autocompletion_line . 'A'
                call setline(l:line_number, l:autocompletion_line)

            if l:autocompletion_line =~ '"A'
                let l:autocompletion_line = substitute(l:autocompletion_line, '"A', '" A', 'g')
                call setline(l:line_number, l:autocompletion_line)
        let l:line_number += 1

augroup AutoCompleteSnippetsOnSave
    autocmd BufWritePre AutoFill-p1.snippets call AutoCompleteSnippets()
augroup END

" ---------------------------
" Specify Snippet Directory:
" ---------------------------

" Ensure you specify your snippet directory in your config file, e.g:

let g:UltiSnipsSnippetsDir = expand('$HOME/.config/nvim/snipDir')
let g:UltiSnipsSnippetDirectories=['UltiSnips', expand('$HOME/.config/nvim/snipDir')]

This code snippet should be placed in your Vim configuration file (e.g., init.vim or vimrc). It defines a function AutoCompleteSnippets() that is triggered when saving a file named AutoFill-p1.snippets. It adds automatic autocompletion for snippets by modifying the snippet lines that start with snippet and appending A after the snippet trigger. This enables faster and more convenient snippet expansion in Vim.

  1. Save and reload your Vim configuration file.


To launch snip, simply run the snip:


This will open the graphical interface using dialog where you can perform various operations, such as creating new snippet categories and editing existing snippets.


Contributions are welcome! If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please submit a bug report or open a pull request on the snip repository.


The Snip Snippet Editor is open-source software licensed under the MIT license.